Journey from Village boy to Corporate Trainer

Suresh Gyan Vihar University International Journal of Economics and Management

Vol 6(4)

ISSN : 2278-2478

Journey from Village boy to Corporate Trainer

(interview of Dr. R.N. Krishnia by the editor of SGVU IJEM Prof. Trilok Kumar Jain on the important theme of the topic is presented below.)


A person can achieve amazing contributions through sheer hard work, dedication and committed efforts. This is illustrated by the career of Dr. R.N. Krishnia,  who is today recognized as an important corporate trainer.  Corporate training  refers to preparing corporate executives for important roles. Dr. R.N. Krishnia has recently joined ISBM as its Principal. He has expertise in corporate training. He has been passionately promoting corporate training. IJEM asked a few questions to Dr. Krishnia about his mantras for life, his vision for ISBM and about his role as corporate trainer. His views are presented below: –

Q1 From a village background to the most sought after corporate trainer and the head of a prestigious business school – please narrate this journey in brief for our readers…

Ans: I have served in Indian Navy for more than 25 years as commissioned Officer. I have lived in Mumbai for over 30 years. While I was in the Navy, I was Deputy Manager (Production) for 04 years, Joint Manager (Planning & control) for 04 years and Manager (Training and Development) for 05 years in an industrial organisation employing 13000 personnel.  I have been corporate trainer for last 20 years. Currently, I am the trainer for JK Cement works at Chittor and Jharli (Haryana), Parle products Pvt Ltd Neemrana (Raj), Jindal SAW ltd, Bhilwara (Raj). After my premature retirement from Navy, I have been, Prof Of management, Director of a PGDM Institute and Group director of a group having 10 institutes. I was trained in England hence I have visited many countries of western Europe. I have also visited USA twice. I have visited most of the Gulf countries and two African countries.

Q2  What are your Plans for transformation  of ISBM through your expertise in training and development?

Ans: ISBM is one of the Best B-School of Rajasthan. All the classrooms are theatre type which enable every student to comfortably view white boards, screens and the prof, Without any obstruction. All the classrooms are smart, where learning and teaching becomes effective. All the professors will follow Andragogical model of teaching in which students’ participation is paramount. This model of teaching will make every students highly confident, determined, and committed to his/her goal. My plan is to develop all students to the level at which no company can reject them.

Q3  You have made tremendous contribution to the field of corporate training. Your behavioural trainings with regard to ego-states are very popular. What do you do in these training and what is the benefit from attending these training and development sessions?

Ans: I have been training managers of various corporations across India for last 20 years. My specialisation is behavioural science. Through these programs, I try to correct the behaviour and attitude of manager of various levels. I have also been conducting Students development programs at various Colleges and Universities in which I try to awake students to face the severe competition by making them confident, determined and committed to their goals.

Q4 As a corporate trainer, how will you ensure transformation of students into corporate executives?

Basic job of any managers is to deal appropriately with people working with him/her. At ISBM we teach students those techniques which will help them to deal with any human being in the right manner. Since knowledge is power, at ISBM we also give special emphasis to learn latest knowledge trends. Our model of teaching is such that students participate in learning process, which make them very confident to face any type of situation successfully. These techniques will make them highly successful managers.

Q5 which are the most memorable achievement of your life from which , future managers can take inspiration.

Ans: My journey till now can highly inspire any one. I was born in a village, my higher/secondary School was 11 KMs from my village where every day I use to go and come by walk. I learnt writing capital A in sixth standard. There was no light in the village those days. Despite all these odds, I could become 1st classes Officer, a Doctor of Philosophy, Prof of Management and currently the principal of ISBM. My children are at good positions in MNCs. If I can, all my students can certainly do it.