Dimensions of Optimism in Teacher Education


Manisha                                                                          Dr. Sonia Kaur Bansal

Research Scholar                                                             Research Supervisor & Assistant Professor

Dept. of Education                                                           Dept. of Education

Gyan Vihar School Of Education                                  Gyan Vihar School Of Education

Suresh Gyan Vihar University                                       Suresh Gyan Vihar University

Jaipur, Rajasthan                                                              Jaipur, Rajasthan



The main objective of this article is that how a teacher’s training incorporates strategies and how the dimension is important and benefits in teaching, It aims to clearly state the dimensions of optimism in teaching.

Keywords– Dimension, Optimism, Teacher Educators


Education makes a human being a good person. Education includes knowledge, proper conduct and technical proficiency, teaching, and learning. In this way, it focuses on skills, trades, or occupations and the growth of mental, moral, and aesthetic. Education society is an attempt by one generation to transfer its knowledge from a lower generation. In this view, education works as an institution, which plays an important role in connecting the individual with society and maintains the continuity of the culture of the society. Education is the process of developing a person’s inherent ability and personality. The child learns the basic rules, systems, norms, and values ​​of the society through education. A child can connect with society only when he is oriented with the history of that particular society. This process socializes him to play the role of an adult in society and provides the necessary knowledge and skills to the person to become a member of the society and a responsible citizen. Dimension analysis in the field of education is to analyse the relationship between physical quantities by identifying quantity and unit. Investigating for amplitude symmetry is a common application of analysis in amplitude that serves as a potential check on equations and associations. It also acts as a guide and constraint in derived equations in the absence of a more stringent representation. Can describe a system in.




What is optimism?

Optimism is regarded as a trait. An optimistic person looks at everything positively (Ex- a glass that is always half full). This would be the best in all the best possible worlds. Some of these attitudes are seen in optimists Can be. With more than 20 years of solid scientific research, it is clear that optimism becomes much deafer than before. There are ways of defining optimism, usually one experiences good bad results in life. Seeing the bright side of life. The despotism always thinks wrong and hopes to be wrong. Optimism is the aspect of good life or positive study that leads to living life. It focuses on individuals and society as an art form.


Teacher educators

Educators often do basic research and teach undergraduate postgraduate courses in areas of specialization. Teachers at universities with undergraduate colleges advise and supervise undergraduate students researching research or dissertation. Instructors at many universities are senior Take manager roles such as department research teams and institutes May include the president to fulfil roles such as chief and vice-chancellor. The role of the instructor can be more public and the teacher trainer is expected by his international expertise in the field of education from this expertise.



How the dimension of mathematical space in physics and mathematics is informally defined to specify any point within it is the minimum number of directions ° A required. Similarly measuring knowledge in the field of teaching is also a dimension. It is believed that for example both a latitude and a longitude need to locate a point because the surface of a sphere because the inside of a sphere is three-dimensional, Is because three directions are required to locate a point within these places with the help of which the following points are displayed in it. In optimism, three dimensions are considered as the following.




Dispositional optimism

Dispositional optimism researchers conduct different terms based on their research. There are several ways to evaluate optimism with any trait, such as the Life Orientation Test developed by Michael and Charles Cover in 1985. Disposal Easy is usually assessed by questioning people about whether they will have future results. Expect gains or negatives. A person has a different optimism and pessimism score. Practically these two schools are roughly correlated between r = 0.5. Test optimists predict better outcomes. Reduce harm from high social status and adversity. Health protection behaviours are associated with optimism while health harmful behaviours are associated with pessimism. Some argue that optimism is associated with pessimism. Along is the opposite end of a dimension. In which there is a difference between them. Which reflects social desirability like cars.Dimensions predict different outcomes. Genetic modelling confirms independence that pessimism, and optimism, are independent traits, with a causal relationship between them as a result of general to causal and, as a result of family environment influences.


Explanatory style

The basis of optimism is not only in positive phrases. Explanatory style differs from theories of optimism. Optimistic lifestyles are associated with style theory. Reflections and pessimism are reflections of the ways that people interpret events. These reasons lead to these states, some researchers argue. Knowing anything as explanatory style is easier than optimism for explanatory style and dispositional Total varies. Explanatory style implies how people understand the events of their lives. How a situation can be perceived can affect it. They tend to be optimistic or pessimistic.



Differences in both dispositional optimism and pessimism are found with psychological symptoms. Both pessimism and pessimism are strongly influenced by environmental factors, including the family environment. Optimism is indirectly characterized by intelligence attributes, as a reflection of inherent inheritance traits. (For example, there is evidence from twin studies that show off that the disposition. The inherited component of L optimism is around 25. This makes the trait a stable personality dimension and a predictor of life outcomes. Its genetic origins that speak to environmental influences and other risks to depression during lifetime Determines sensitivity. The theory holds that optimism can be learned and supports the role to enhance or reduce research. Ta’s optimism and pessimism and the incorporation of beliefs about good and bad information specifically for processing tasks are particularly reflective. Functions that use brain imaging and biochemistry suggest that at a biological trait level, Optimism and pessimism, respectively, for beliefs about the brain and processing tasks, especially good and bad information Reflect specifically to include.



Many benefits of optimism

The person always keeps a smile and positive thinking will probably be better than today. If you always look on the bright side of things, then you feel that you experience less positive events in life than others get less stress.


Superior Health

Studies show that optimistic people have fewer health problems. Some studies have also linked pessimistic explanatory style with infectious disease treatment teams.


Greater achievement

Seligman has analysed and found that optimistic individuals form more contagious positive synergies and perform better than pessimistic people. Another study suggests that pessimistic individuals believe they may perform poorly in the future Can. Are optimistic, it does not.



Optimistic people do not give up easily.They make every effort to achieve success, optimistic people can succeed even after achieving their failures.


Emotional health

A study of depressed patients shows that cognitive therapy works better than medications, with patients who had this training optimism training the ability to handle future failures more effectively.


Increase longevity

Retrospective studies showed that optimistic people live longer.


Less Stress

Optimists experience less stress than pessimists or realists because they believe in their abilities and have the confidence to expect good things to happen. They easily overcome negative thinking failures. Believe in themselves They also take risks and fill their lives with more positive events, everywhere they see, and feel positivity.


How to use in education.

The dimensions of teaching and learning instructional structures developed from multidisciplinary research efforts at teacher instructor universities are a broad reflection of the core elements of effective teaching. Interpretation provides a common language that defines and interprets the teaching and learning patterns. The teacher uses all these dimensions in education to make education smoothly.



The conclusion suggests that the importance and use of dimensions in education are very important. It is necessary to have the cooperation of the dimensions to get the classification and information. In optimism, it is very important to have a dispositional explanatory style and origin. This makes it easy for a person to explore the dimensions of optimism.




Positive Psychology Resources, Optimism, Overview




