Impact of Virtual Learning on the Indian Economy and Society

Sweta Bhargava and Dr. Vibha Kaushik

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Mahal, Jagatpura, Jaipur





It is apparent for the last few years virtual education has turn up as a strong competitor for the upcoming new education technology. Even though the past technological development that have breakdown to meet their initial assertion. The experience of people regarding virtual education has to be change, we should recognize the issues behind the phenomena. Technology is affecting every aspect of society and modifying it fastly. However there is one crucial and vital part of the society that has also been make use of modern innovations and discoveries i.e. virtual education. Online classes is an effective tool for the development of educational sector in India. Online learning use the modern technology in learning. It clear the concepts of the students inspite of cram. It can be used by the students and educators in homes, schools, higher education, business and other settings. Technologies provide beginner to command over matter, learning sequence, speed of learning, media and time. Online classes affect education system, economical aspects, society and many more.

Keywords: E-learning, Society, Economy, Education, Virtual education, Online learning.




The process of communicate education has undergone a sea change if we glance at the picture 10-20 years before now technology has controlled almost every field of our lives. Virtual learning is the learning which utilize electronic technologies to access outward educational syllabus of a traditional class room. Right to education is the fundamental right of every citizen of India, either a youngster occupy in a prominent society or in a remote not so advance concealed village. But the essentiality to be competent with modern communications and I.T.

The demand to be better in the educational sector have push developing countries and contributor to strengthen their investment in e-learning. The impact of these investment on learning, on the economy and on society has yet to be significant record due to recent nature of program and increases awareness on ICT.

A.               Educational impacts of E-learning

  1. Live and interactive digital learning certify the students to acquire par excellence quality education at any moment and in any place. Either it is career & technical education or project based learning it commit learners a more communicative platform for learning and
  2. Free online courses start up. Approach for both education contributor and students persons are extra self-confident to grasp these courses and when people sight outcome, they do not stumble to pay extra for
  3. Virtual education provide students an opportunity to frame their upcoming course of action and assist their walk of


  1. Direct live and interactive digital learning; edutec companies are transmitting inclusive knowledge which allow adolescent and adult to grasp learn with a goal and inculcate a sight of faith in
  2. The impact of new technologies in educational field has been mostly appreciative as modern technologies have provided learners the opportunity to upgrade their knowledge skills through constructivist learning environment with digital and audio visual

B.                Impact of economic benefit of E-learning


Economy benefits of e-learning can be classified into two categories:


  1. The economic benefit of
  2. The economic benefits of high tech work


E-learning is key component of the large challenge of educating the next generation of workers for a new knowledge centered economy once degree holder are draw up for such placement the assertive effect of their education on the national economy will be evident after the economy has given rised to employment opportunities for them. This is the frequently challenge of developing countries requiring to generate jobs while educating a work force to pack those positions. At present these office worker want to upgrade themselves on other sense like huge data analytics and cloud computing better salary likes and promotions are also the reasons why people adopt new courses. A lot of startups are already setting their foot in what they think will be the next big thing in India after e-commerce.

In short a knowledge based economy is a developing economy. Technology investment result in greater GDP. Greater GDP outcome in more


technology financing. This consequences in a upstanding feedback arc ICT in education can decrease the cost of education per student by increasing the relative economic benefit of investment in education ICTs can deliver instruction in a more efficient, less expensive, or more accessible way (Clark, 1983) for example e-readers can allow children to access to thousands of booksat relatively cheap price once the reader has been purchased.

(C) Society Impact of E-learning


The impact of acquire education on individual members of society can be remarkable on the other side the raised skills, payment and employment consequence on degree holder, other effect of education contain, boost health and wellbeing, specially among girls and women societal impact shortly consider the impact of education mainly on society of developing countries and more approximately the relationship between e-learning and society. Especially how the society can affect the ability of e-learning program to provide their potential benefit among all students. Societal aspects such as being in a rural location, a female student or speaking a different language can all affect access to and use of e-learning program and their success. Although infrastructure is an analytical factor, the social context, education and technical knowledge of the sole user are also pivotal. The study setup a powerful co-relation among internet access and national economic development.

Else technical challenge that has forbid e-learning from being provided in rural areas has been scarcity of reliable electrical power. Meantime, e-learning technologies whether little hand held devices or projectors, require electrical power. In these location it is critical to design an efficient, low power e-learning system.




With the Digital India Program’s Vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy, the education sector in India is poised to witness major growth in the years to come. Technology led reach and easy access will bring about a socio-economic difference in the lives of Indian learners.

A virtual learning initiative creates dynamic change in education portals in this lockdown time period with the help of different Apps like Zoom app, googlemeet. Online learning enhances opportunities for interactive co-operative learning and the formation of communities of learners rather than relsing on just the traditional face to face format E-learning is a means of creating educational unification connecting people who are unified in active learning communities  by mastery of a shared knowledge and common educational goals and aspirations.


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