A Review on Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Customer of HDFC and SBI Banks in Jaipur

                                    Sakshi Arora and Swati Mishra

                                            School of Management

                       Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India



Abstract: Every organization should focus on level of customer satisfaction. It is very essential for each business. If clients are not happy with the product and services which is offering to customers that organisation will not stay for long time. Due to top tendency that clients my not relieve on the business again. Satisfied customers show the loyalty and regularly indulge rather than unhappy clients.

This is an advantage for the business and no need to spend more money for brings in new customers because they already promoted by word of mouth to new clients. The purpose of the paper is to study the level of customer satisfaction in HDFC and SBI bank in Jaipur. The data is collected through secondary sources like journal, article and books.


Keywords: Factors affecting, Customers Satisfaction, HDFC and SBI Bank


Introduction: Todays scenario we can say that any businesses take place for customers. Customer satisfaction is a successful key for business strategy. Because the level of satisfaction is depends upon both psychological and physical variables. Financial industry is very competitive. Client satisfaction plays a very crucial role through bank can gain a strategic advantage. The reason for consumer retention is fantastically honest. It’s far greater cost effective to keep customers than to collect new ones. (Neeti , 2018)

The customers may generate positive mouth of word for promotion of company if they are highly satisfied with banking services and longer term customers then purchase more and more. Customer retention is very necessary for today’s competitive environment. Bank must have focus on that factors that increase the level of customer satisfaction.

It includes behaviour of employees, Way of talking, selling capability, Communication skills and knowledge regarding product and services. The banks may work on improvement the area of service quality if they monitored that things they can improve it and help in retain the customers. Otherwise if you cannot measure it then it is very hard for bankers to retain the customers.

The concept of customer satisfaction has been changed in terms of transition as taken place from traditional banking to modern banking. The level of the satisfaction depends upon what they expected and perceived quality. The success of the organisation also depends on the consumer satisfaction. Psychology defines the satisfaction as a mind-set of customers that comes from previous experience and knowledge.(Vijay,2013)

Necessity measuring in customer satisfaction:

“Customer satisfaction is a person’s feelings of happiness and dissatisfied when outcome of products not according to their expectation. Satisfaction is the consumer’s response to an evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectation & the actual performance of the product as perceived after its consumption. (TSe & Wilton, 1988) ” .

Customer satisfaction is necessary factor to hold the customers. To judge the level of customer satisfaction through knowledge of client happiness is crucial to starting a long term relationship with them. A extremely satisfied customers stay longer, purchase more and more, inform others about company’s products and services. Their needs, wants, demands changed rapidly.


Scope of the study:

A study is basis on satisfaction level of customers towards service provides by HDFC and SBI bank. Both banks provide utility services to their customers and judge the highly level of happiness of HDFC and SBI banks. The objective of the study is to find out factors affecting client’s satisfaction towards services offering by both banks.

Literature Review:

1.Nirmaljeet Virk  and  Prabhjot Kaur Mahal (2012) : This paper attempts to make a comparative analysis of level of customer pride in the direction of services offered by private and public region banks. The study has been carried out in Chandigarh city. A sample of 160 customers has been selected through questionnaire method. The statistical test are carried out at 5% and 1% degree of large the main statistical equipment are used. This study shows that the manager of public bank maintaining a relationship for winning their client’s satisfaction.

  1. Keyur M. Nayak * Poonam P. Yadav (2014): Researchers want to explain about customer satisfaction in HDFC bank with ATM. In this paper both sources (primary and secondary) used and data were collected through questionnaire from 200 respondents at  Vapi   region. This study is based on descriptive research. The purpose of study is to analysed satisfaction level of customers using ATM in HDFC bank. The paper concluded the few clients are satisfied with service quality and dissatisfied with location of ATM.
  2. Rajgopal Subashini and Velmurugan Gopalasamy(2016): The study explained the concept of customer satisfaction in banking sector. These days all non-public and public banks are play critical role in banking and offering lot of middle banking services to all their rural and urban customers to carry on their loyalty, retention. But few banks were observed that not providing importance to their clients. This paper is descriptive in nature and data were collected from websites, journal and magazines.
  3. Aayasha Nawaz(2017): The researcher analysed about the customer satisfaction towards services offering by SBI bank. The data were gathered through interview .There are 105 respondents (105 male and 45 male). The study is focused on which factors affecting the client’s satisfaction like employee’s behaviour, Infrastructure facility, quality of services offering by bank etc. The interview method used for data collection. The conclusion shows that customers have satisfied with services of SBI Bank.
  4. Anis Ali and L.S. Bisht(2018): The researchers tries to find out the level of satisfaction of clients of private and public sector banks. The objective of the study is to identify the factors affecting the customer satisfaction and reason of dissatisfaction in both banks. The primary data were collected from the clients of both banks. It is observed by researchers that clients are happy with the services are offering by banks but some reason of dissatisfaction like employee’s behaviour and service quality provided by public banks. It is concluded that public banks should need to focus upgrade the level of satisfaction.
  5. Manisha raj & Shruti Bansal (2019): The paper reported that Banks are not based on brick and mortar structure due to development of technologies. The way of satisfaction and increasing the number of customers has been changed through the various banking channel. This research tries to identify several issues or satisfaction through services is offering by bank. SERVQUAL Dimensions plays a crucial role to ensure customer satisfaction in banking industry.

Objective of the study:

  • The main objective of the study is to find out the factors affecting the customer satisfaction of HDFC and SBI bank.
  • To analysis satisfaction level of rural and urban areas customers.
  • To give tipsto improve pride level of the clients.

Research Methodology: The study is based on the secondary data. The main objective of this paper is to study the factors affecting the customer satisfaction of HDFC and SBI bank. The data were collected form the journals, books, newspaper, article etc. The study seeks to analysis the level of customers satisfaction from services is offering from both banks.









Findings: There is some finding from the review of literatures. These are:

S. No Name of the Author Tittle of the paper Finding
1. Nirmaljeet Virk  and  Prabhjot Kaur Mahal Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Banks in India, Client are happy with the services are offering by private sector banks like solved the query through telephone, teller facility and branch facility than public sector banks.
2. Keyur M. Nayak and Poonam P. Yadav A Study on Customer Satisfaction of HDFC Bank with Special Reference to Automated Teller Machine in Vapi Region Customers are very satisfied with service quality of HDFC bank but dissatisfied with the ATM services like: poor print quality of note and less number availability of ATM machine at convenience location.
3. Rajgopal Subashini and Velmurugan Gopalasamy A review of services quality and customer satisfaction in banking services : global scenario It is observed by the researcher that few public private banks are not giving attention on their customer satisfaction.
4. Aayasha Nawaz Customer’s satisfaction towards banking services of state bank of India in Bareilly district Uttar Pradesh Client happiness towards the services offering by SBI bank was very medium. Banks need to give more focus on give training to employee for well services.
5. Anis Ali and  L.S. Bisht Customer’s satisfaction in public and private sector banks in India: A comparative study Customers of both banks are happy but the hole between belief and expectation are extra in private region banks. So, clients of private area banks are addition satisfied than public sector banks.
6. Manisha raj & Shruti Bansal Customer satisfaction in banking sector – A case study of  H.D.F.C Bank New technologies are offering to people but due to uneducated they are not able to use net banking so government should strive to get population educated so according to needs of customers develop new technologies.




Suggestions: The public banks need to give more attention on service quality and customers happiness. Equal facilities should provide to rural sector customers. There is special training provide to public sector banks employees. ATM facility of public banks should be established at conveniently.

Conclusion: The aim of the present study was to review the factor affecting customer satisfaction in HDFC and SBI banks. The above study is based on secondary data. It is concluded that clients are highly gratified with the services are offering by private sector banks than public sector banks. Some factors affect the level of customer satisfaction of public sector banks such as infrastructure, behaviour of employee, service quality, ATMs facility and security while using net banking. So public banks should strive to consideration on these factors so they can highly satisfied their customers.














1.Nirmaljeet Virk  and  Prabhjot Kaur Mahal  Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Banks in India, Information and Knowledge Management www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-896X (Online) Vol 2, No.3, 2012.

2.Keyur M. Nayak and Poonam P. Yadav , A Study on Customer Satisfaction of HDFC Bank with Special Reference to Automated Teller Machine in Vapi Region, ISSN: 2347 5587 Peer Reviewed International Journal Vol. No. II Issue No. 3 March 2014.

  1. Rajgopal Subashini and Velmurugan Gopalasamy , A review of services quality and customer satisfaction in banking services : global scenario, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, November 2016, vol. 21, no. S5.


  1. Aayasha Nawaz, Customer’s satisfaction towards banking services of state bank of India in Bareilly district Uttar Pradesh, Vol 3; Issue 12; December 2017; Page No. 08-12.


  1. Anis Ali and L.S. Bisht, Customer’s satisfaction in public and private sector banks in India: A comparative study,Journal of Finance and Marketing (2018) Volume 2, Issue 3
  2. Manisha raj & Shruti Bansal, Customer satisfaction in banking sector – A case study of H.D.F.C Bank, IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, [Vol 61 1 issue 1 I jan-march 2019] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138.

7. Neeti mathur ,Trapti Pandya and Himanshu Mathur, Customer satisfaction in public sector bank (A study of South Rajasthan), “Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research (IJIR)  2 (9). Vol-2, issue-9, 2016, ISSN: 2454-1362.

  1. Vijay Prakash Gupta and P.K. Agarwal,  Comparative study of customer satisfaction in public and private sector banks in India. (A case study of Meerut region of U.P.), Volume 7,  No. 1, June 2013, Global Journal of Business Management.