A Study of Mental Health and Adjustment

Mukesh Kumari                                                                                              Dr. Sonia Kaur Bansal

Research Scholar                                                                    Research Guide & Assistant Professor

School of Education                                                                                        School of Education

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur                                    Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur



The progress of any Nation depends on the health of its citizens. If the citizen is healthy then surely that country can also reach the peak of progress. Man is a social creature, his activity and status in society depends on mental health. The universe has to fundamental resource- Time and Place. All events or human activities are edited between them. It is human nature to live in a group. It is his habit to be alert to his surroundings. These habits make him a social creature. Man keeps trying to understand the environment around him. Creates a relationship questioning one self and Society. The satisfaction that is found in the direction of the solution and the fulfillment of the requirements proclaims these habits edge social behavior. Mental health an active and constant symptom of our daily lives as reflected by daily life. Different societies and cultures have completely different ways of conceptualizing life values. Different groups in the community and the business to decide what is mentally healthy and what is unhealthy, which intervention are appropriate or inappropriate for making this decision, are there different ways. Different individuals have different religious cultural background and experience, show everyone’s mental health level may not be the same. The method of treating everyone cannot be the same. Yes Positive Thinking has a curative approach that is the parent of hope and enthusiasm. The appropriation received from the society.



Mental Health: Mental health refers to the mental state of person by which a person is able to make social and personal adjustment in various circumstances.

Adjustment: Adjustment is the process in which an individual balance the needs and    the circumstances that affects the fulfillment of these needs.


Anxiety: Anxiety is normal mood. Anxiety is different from fear. It arises due to a known danger. Fear is related to behavior while anxiety arises from perceived threats.

Depression: Whose mind is lost from something as something. Whose mind has no affection towards anything. In which there has not been the same eagerness and curiosity as before.

Emotional maturity: Emotions are the thinking of proper image to get a particular   object or full one’s needs be moved by observing it, and the essence of emotions it motivation because emotional incentives create a tension in the entire activity of body which a person conduct is a directed towards a particular object. This is a need of person to express the proper emotional condition and we came to know that emotional state by observation.


Mental Health and Adjustment:


           A mentally ill person cannot adjust to society and cannot adjust well with family. Adjustment is the stage in which one needs the individual on the one hand and on the other there is complete satisfaction in the rights of the environment, the creature is surrounded by a variety of problems. He makes various kinds of reactions with the environment. Eat the mental health of the person is of good quality then he is able to reconcile with the family properly.


Adjustment disorders are a group of conditions that can occur when you have difficulty coping with a stressful life event. These can include the death of a loved one, relationship issues, or beings fired from work. While everyone encounters stress, some people have trouble handing creation stressors. The inability to adjust to the stressful event can cause one or more severe psychological symptoms and sometimes even physical symptoms.


The mental and physical symptoms associated with adjustment disorder usually occur during or immediately after experience a stressful event. While the disorder lasts no longer than six months, symptoms may continue if the stressors are not removed. Some people have just one symptom.



Areas of Adjustment:


For an individual, adjustment consists of personal as well as environment components. These two aspects of adjustment can be further subdivided into smaller aspects of personal and environmental factors. Adjustment, although scheming to be a universal characteristic or quality may have different aspects and dimensions. Through the numerous efforts at measuring adjustment through inventories and other techniques, these aspects have been identified and various tests have been constructed to assess their dimensions. For example, Bell (1958) has taken five areas of dimensions in his adjustment inventory, namely, home, health, social, emotional and occupational Ark off (1968) has enumerated the family, school or college, vocation and marriage as the important areas of adjustment. Joshi and Pandey (1964) in their research study covering school and college students; have given 11 areas of dimensions of an individual’s adjustment:


Social Adjustment: A person is hand inseparable part of his society, he is a unit of it. Its anticipation to society will be called natural and compulsory. A mentally healthy person makes adjustment with society. He always takes care of the problems and humiliation of the society. He does not merely attempt to achieve his authority but also to fulfill his duties. It a person walks through a strained relationship with the society, it is a reflection of mindset.


Occupational Adjustment: A key feature of mental health is satisfaction with one’s occupation and work. A person who is satisfied with task works with his mind. The increase in his work capacity makes him firm in accomplishing his business objectives. Against this, a person suffering from stress, despair and anxiety cannot even establish and adjust.


Intellectual and Emotional Maturity: There is a great need for intellectual and emotional maturity in terms of Mental Health. Only on the basis of intellectual maturity does expanded his knowledge and the effort to build your own remains sealed. Emotionally a mature person controls his emotions and thoughts. A mentally ill person cannot establish adjustment with his emotions and thoughts.


Insight and Self-assessment: The person who has self-adjusting insights. He is well aware of both his maximum and lowest limits. Such a person can identify his short comings and improve them. A mentally healthy person can easily self – analyze himself and he can easily adjust with his abilities powers. A mentally unwell person cannot establish adjustment with all this.


Simple Adjustment: Simple adjustment defects occur in every person. This is the normal form of mental state but sometimes in such a situation the person becomes aggressive and he face problems in adjusting to society and family.


Emotional Adjustment: Different tendencies of a person are related to emotions in one way or the other. This Instinct of sexual desire is very strong in the person. A mentally healthy person easily adjusts with them but a mentally ill person faces adjustment problems.


Economic Adjustment: Due to financial constraints the needs of the person are not fulfilled. Due to which he has to suppress his desires. This way the person gets into a state of tension and the person has to work more diligently to fulfill his needs. The person becomes mentally unhealthy. The person has to face many problems related to adjustment.


Cultural Adjustment: Cultural traditions sometime abstract the fulfilment of a person’s feelings and desire. Due to which mental dissatisfaction and frustration arise. The person has to face mental conflict. From which faults of non-adjustment arise.


Educational Professional and Personal Guidance: Keeping in mind the individual variation of students, subjects should be given according to their mental abilities and interest, educational guidance should be arranged for the students by a skilled psychologist. So that the student can adjust well with education and business and his mental health should also be fine.


Home and Family Adjustment: Sometimes anti-social elements cause great shock to the person and make them mentally ill. Due to which the person becomes prone to frustration and stress. In this way, the person becomes unhappy not satisfied with the tendency of self-establishment. In such a situation the person is unable to adjust with family.


Moral and Religious Adjustment: The process of development of morality in man is purely psychological. A person lives according to the ideas and values of society. Ethical values cannot be earned in one day. The development of value takes Place along with the process of socialization in a person’s life. Ethics is the basis of development of intellectual, social and spiritual progress of a person. Promotion of morality is necessary for social intellectual and spiritual development. Only then a person can adjust easily with his traditions




In general, the progress of a nation depends on its citizens. If the citizens is healthy then surely that country can also reach the peak of progress. Many people say do not fully understand the meaning of health. Some people consider only staying away from disease as healthy. Some people think the body to be beautiful is healthy. In some people health is the only ability to function. But this is narrow notion of health. Therefore, a comprehensive and approach is required for health that can lead to real health. Health also include sufficient reserves of physical strength and tolerance and mental health. So that the needs of daily life can be fulfilled. It is necessary for a person to mentally and physically healthy for the development of his personality. Only then can a person be fully accommodated is society. Only a mentally healthy person can be able to analyze the thoughts of his family members correctly. Only a mentally healthy person can understand the literal and nonverbal Signs. He is able to treat every member of the family with respect and respect. When mental health is not well, problems of coordination also arise. Everyone tries to make adjustment according to their different abilities. Some people are successful in facing unfavorable condition but those who do not succeed in facing and unfavorable condition lose their mental balance. In this way one has problems adjusting with the society and with the family. Our social relation are the standard of Mental Health. The quality of relationship experience mental health therefore a healthy society is the basis of life.




Adams, H.E., Psychology of Adjustment, Ronald, New York, 1972.

Arkoff, Abe, Adjustment and Mental Health, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.

Asthana, H.S., Manual of Direction and Norms of Adjustment Inventory, Rupa Psychological Corporation,

Varanasi, 1968.

Bell, Hugh M., The Adjustment Inventory (Adult form)-Manual Alto, California Consulting Psychologist

Press, Manual, Palo Alto, CA, 1958.

Carroll, H.A., Mental Hygiene: The Dynamics of Adjustment, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1967.