Appropriate Economic Policies and Development


(interview of renowned thinker, philosopher and chief mentor of SGVU Dr. Sudhanshu  by the editor of SGVU IJEM Prof. Trilok Kumar Jain on the important theme of the topic is presented below.)


We are fortunate to have Dr. Sudhanshu as the Chief Mentor of our University. He is known for his clarity of thoughts. We have taken his interview on contemporary policies and on the options for development. In very clear and concise approach, he has clarified and explained what is the desired approach. His wisdom has enable us to find the nectar out of the present day confusions about what is the right approach to development. This interview throws light on the most burning questions of our time.


Q: what should be the ultimate goal of any development?

A: the ultimate goal of development should be to secure prosperity, peace and happiness, however, we should ask the fundamental question about development. Is our country really progressing? Is this development sustainable? Will this development enable common people to enjoy the benefits of development?


Q: is India really progressing?

A: there is a need to look around and observe. What we find is that there is huge unemployment. Population explosion is continuing. Resources are scarce, but we continue to exploit them. Our exploitative policies are causing harm to nature and this loss is disastrous.  Our own policies are responsible for our present status. We can reverse these through a well planned and well designed policy mechanism.


Q: do you believe that the present day situation is likely to lead to difficulties in the future?

A: as I mentioned that our own policies are responsible for the present day situation. This trend will continue in the near future unless we reverse the policies. This trend will take us to a disastrous future, where it would be very difficult for us to reverse the trend. We may soon find it difficult to handle the situation. The governments are boasting of their achievements in providing jobs to a few thousands. What we need is job to over 20 millions every year. This is a huge gap between what government is planning and what is desired.



Q:What are your opinion on the present policies of the government ?


There is a lack of focus on entrepreneurship. Over twenty million people are joining the queue of unemployed people every year. There is no plan for their employment. There is a need to redesign the policies.


Q: what are the options before government for such a large population?

A: there is a need to have a right set of policies. These policies can create the desired impact and bring about development of our country. We have to create an ecosystem for entrepreneurship again and this will again transform our nation.


Q: what should be the approach of government with regard to the policies towards entrepreneurship?

A: the present policies only target highly educated youth towards entrepreneurship. While entrepreneurship should not be restricted to a few persons only. A village boy can also become an entrepreneur even if that person is not educated in formal institutions. There is a need to build confidence among people and enable them to acquire essential skills to enable the transformation of the youth.


Q: what should be the ultimate goals behind entrepreneurship?

A: there was a philosophy, which was once very popular. This philosophy was the sole reason for success of India. For thousands of years India remained the most dominant country in the whole world due to its policy of entrepreneurship. The so called castes were actually representation of their entrepreneurial skills and capabilities. People who belonged to a particular caste actually acquired entrepreneurial skills in a particular set of skills and became entrepreneur. This was the broad philosophy. Each village was self-sufficient as it was able to produce all essential goods and services that it needed for essential consumption. This philosophy was reiterated by Mahatma Gandhi also in his call for Gram-Swarajya.


Q What is your opinion about the latest move to foster startup ecosystem?

A: the present day startup movement is focusing only on engineers and a few professionals. While most engineers and professionals grow up dreaming to serve a large company. They are trained to be employees of large companies. They have option of working with companies. Instead of focusing on them, we should focus on common masses and enable them to become entrepreneurs. A villager can easily become an entrepreneur in the field of animal husbandry. A craftman can easily become entrepreneur. There is a need to shift the emphasis towards mass-scale entrepreneurship rather than on startup policy of the present time.


Q: What do you think about the new wave of initiatives in the form of GST?

A: GST can be justified if we are importing goods from one state to another. However, we should have the objective to promote small industries within each region so that people may buy from their nearest producers. Every village should have systems whereby people are able to get the required goods from the producers of that village itself. This will reduce requirements of any inter-state movement of goods. This will reduce transportation and other expenses. In order to foster local units, there should be some incentives. There should not be any GST on movement of goods within a region. This will encourage people to consume local products. This will also help in revival of industries in our country.