Storing Treated Wastewater Underground in Arid Countries: A Case Study From Oman

SGVU J CLIM CHANGE WATER Vol. 1 (1) Feb 2015 pp.23-27 ISSN: 2347-7741 Storing Treated Wastewater Underground in Arid Countries: A Case Study From Oman Mushtaque Ahmed1 1Associate Professor, Department of Soils, water & Agricultural Engineering, 1Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. *Corresponding author:   ABSTRACT Most of the water stressed countries such as the Sultanate

Developing a Sustainable Ground Water Management Plan

SGVU J CLIM CHANGE WATER Vol. 1 (1) Feb 2015 pp.17-22 ISSN: 2347-7741 Developing a Sustainable Ground Water Management Plan for Part of Ghaziabad District, Uttar Pradesh K. Chadha1,Nidhi Jha2 1President, Global Hydrogeological Solutions, New Delhi, India 2Research Fellow , Global Hydrogeological Solutions, New Delhi, India ABSTRACT The availability of water resources is becoming a

An Adaptation Strategies for Ground Water Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change in India

SGVU J CLIM CHANGE WATER Vol. 1 (1) Feb 2015 pp. 6-16 ISSN: 2347-7741 An Adaptation Strategies for Ground Water Sustainability in the Face of Climate Change in India 1Chairman,Central Ground Water Board& Central Ground Water Authority, 1Ministry of Water Resources,River development and Ganga Rejuvenation Govt. of India *Corresponding author: ABSTRACT As per key

Fluoride, Iron and Nitrate affected areas of Punjab

SGVU J CLIM CHANGE WATER Vol. 1 (1) Feb 2015 pp. 1-5 ISSN: 2347-7741 Fluoride, Iron and Nitrate affected areas of Punjab Gopal Krishan1,2 , R.P. Singh1 M.S. Rao1, Sushil Gupta3 and P.K. Tiwari4 1National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee- 247667 (Uttarakhand), India 2IGB Groundwater Resilience Project, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom 3Central Ground Water Board,