pp 16-20

Ashitosh Sah1, Sohit Agarwal2

1M.Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur


2Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur sohit.agarwal@mygyanvihar.com


Abstract— Due to technological failure in the transformers, Single phase and the Three Phase power supply faces most of the problems in the Residential, Industrial and other areas where electricity is must. Three Phase power supply is more in demand as compared to that of Single phase power supply in the Residential as well as the Industrial sector, since three phase power supply provides non-fluctuating power supply and is stable and uniform. In the three phase supply, there are some possibility of power fluctuation and phase power cut due to fault in transformers, and this situation, phase changeover is possible in the three phase power supply due to which the power supply doesn’t stop and the jobs are not affected. But Manual Changing of the phase is time taking process and also has the chances of firebreak. This project solves the issue of manual phase changeover by using the fuzzy controllers which uses fuzzy logic in order to change the phases of electricity as soon as it detects the power cut or power fluctuation in the particular phase. This project also uses Internet of Things (IoT) which allows us to control the phase changeover process by our Mobile phones or any other internet using devices sitting anywhere in the world.

Keywords- Fuzzy Controllers, Fuzzy Logic, Arduino, Internet of Things, Three Phase Power supply.


Three phase power supply is definitely desired over the single phase power supply in both Residential as well as Industrial sectors because of its uniform and uninterrupted powers supply. In India, power fluctuation and the power cut in the single phase supply is a common problem, but to solve the same problem and due to which sophisticated appliances in the Residential sector are damaged and it also affects the normal functioning of the gadgets. But this problem can be solved with the uninterrupted and uniform power supply via three phase power supply. In three phase supply, if phase cut happens in any one or two phases, than the load of those phases can be switched to the third phase which has the power. But in the previous technology, there was the necessity of manual switching the phases which involves human being and involving human being exposes the system for the error and there are other chances of mis-happenings as well as fire breakdown. Hence, we have developed a controller which is named as Fuzzy Controller which is based on the Fuzzy Logic. This controller senses the phase cut int he particular phase from the given 3 phases, and switches the load on the other phase depending on the logics given by Fuzzy Logic. Due to these automatic functions, there are no chances of resource damage, human error, or any fire breakdown. Also, to control the entire system being anywhere in the world over the network, IoT is involved which helps to put the entire system online and the consumer can shift the phase according to their requirements.

II.     Related Work

Su Chen, GCza Jobs [1] Due to the unstable and fluctuating power supply, loads on the phases are very much affected and because of which losses are to be beard in the industrial as well as residential areas. To solve this issue, series and the shunt active power conditioners are implemented. D-STATCOMs and DVRs are the ones who are responsible for supporting the series and shunt functions. The author has mentioned that this function generates a new thing which is called Compensator rating factor which lets user know about the details of the compensator with which it can benefit the Load volt.

Anu P, Divya R, Dr. Manjula G Nair [2] since the unbalanced load voltages are the ones which causes most of the non-sinusoidal supply of the electricity, this paper proposes the solution for the same and uses STATCOM controller for the Three Phase power supply system by using the Single phase load. Author of this paper wants to make the power factor of the phase uniform and sinusoidal because of which the loads on the phases could use the uniform supply of the current and are not affected adversely. This system is made on MATLAB SIMULINK and is verified with the help of both Sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal current and non-linear as well as linear loads. As a result, the power factor was found to be uniform and hence the objective of the paper was fulfilled.

L.S. Ezema, B.U. Peter, O.O. Harris [3] Power in most of the developing Nations around the globe is not stable or uniform and this has bad affect on the household equipments as  well as the machines and other manufacturing equipments in the Industrial sectors. This Paper proposes the shift of the load from one to other phase depending upon the availability of the electricity supply. This system is tested adn found to be reliable and his also used in the project in order to get things done efficiently.

Ahmed, M.S., Mohammed, A.S., Agusiobo, O.B. [4] Switching phase is the process of changing the phase of the load depending up on the user’s requirement. If there’s power cut in one phase, user can change the phase and switch the load from no power supply phase to the one with the power supply. But involving human in the phase shift or phase switch, there are various chances of the error and sometimes there are possibility of fire breakdown as well. Hence This paper proposes, Automatic changing the phase of the load by detecting the power cut on a phase and diverting it to the phase with power supply and as soon as the power in the related phase is back, load which was shifted to other phase can be revoked or can be switched back to the related phase. This system is more reliable than the one which involves human behaviour, safe and more efficient as compared to that of manual changing of the phase.

In the below mentioned diagram, it clearly illustrates that, when all the phases in three phase supply has no power supply than the power cut will happen in all the phases, but if there is single phase power cut than the load will be diverted to other available phase which has the power supply and the fashion in which the load switch will occur is, when R phase is cut than the load from R phase will be shifted to Y phase. When B phase has a power cut than the load shift will occur on R Phase, and when Y phase faces the power cut than the load on Y will be switched over B phase. Also when the power is back in the respective phases than the load that was shifted to other phase will regain it’s own phase only after the system detects that power in the particular phase is back.

Pattewar Shubham Maroti, Rajpurohit Gautam Singh N.S, Paturkar Shreyas Shekhar, Prof. Anubha Panchal [5]

Due to problem in verifying, whether or not the power supply is available in the phases of the circuit, the load distribution system was at risk and this might again have caused the non-linear voltage on the loads available on the phases. Hence this paper proposes the method of verifying whether or not the phase is live. This determines even if there is a single phase in the ON state i.e the power supply is ON in any of the phases, the Load over the system will always be ON because of the Phase switching.

Liao Y, HsBassa Siddarth Nagamurty, S. Navaneethan.[6] Due to Voltage fluctations in the three phase power supply system, if there is low voltage in any of the phases and the loads in that particular phase needs to operate at the stable and normal voltage power supply than the system notifies the user about the same and in this case, a new device should be brought in to consideration and the same shall be done manually. The job should be done manually because the voltage fluctuation is exceptional in all the phase power supply and voltage regulating equipment can be connected to each of the phases on permanent or temporary basis depending upon the user’s requirement.

III.     Research Gap

  • Most industrial and commercial processes are dependent on power supply and if the processes of change-over are manual, serious time is not only wasted but also creates device or machine damage from human error during the change-over connections, which could bring massive losses.
  • Many designs have been proposed based on a comparator circuit and using different microcontrollers, but the literature lags in checking the conditions for overloading.
  • Remote monitoring and control is not included in automatic switching mechanisms.
  • Most of the proposed designs are electronic based and does not provide a convenient user interface.

IV.     Proposed Methodology

The proposed methodology can be divided into four steps:

  • Development of Fuzzy inference system in MATLAB 2015a.
  • Design and simulation of electronic circuit in PROTEUS ISID>
  • Android Application development on MIT APP Inventor-2.
  • Programming ESP8266-12E (Master).
  • Router Configuration for IOT Implementation.
  • Setting sequencing for deployment in real time IOT environment

   Developed Fuzzy Inference System

  • Three input variables (R,G and B) and two output variables(PHASE-SHIFT and WARNING) are considered.
  • The membership functions for input variables are represented by two Gaussian functions namely HIGH and LOW.
  • The HIGH membership function is centered around the value 1 and LOW membership function is centered around 0.
  • The output variable phase shift represents the phase which has been shifted and has three membership functions R, Gand B.

Table 3.1: Fuzzy Logic Table

V.     Conclusion

The Three phase power supply is more reliable than the single phase powers supply because of its uniform power supplying process and handling the heavy load equipments over the phases efficiently. But there are possibilities of phases getting damaged due to the faults at the transformers. This project delivers the concept of changing the phase of the power supply by the use of Fuzzy Controller, Fuzzy Logic and Internet of Things. This project is successfully conducted in the IoT in order to control the entire Phase shift remotely to escape from the problems like Overloading, phase cut, and other related problems which could occur in due to fluctuations and non-uniform power supply. This project is quite effective and more reliable as compared to that of other proposed models.

VI.     Future Scope

This project proposes phase shift of power supply in the three phase power supply for residential as well as industrial sectors for now. In the coming future, there is the possibility of adding Solar Power supply and changing the whole Electricity Power supply to the Solar Power supply at the given time. Also, Voltage controller can be attached to the network which will allow the consumer to set the output voltage according to their requirements and such could be possible with the help of Spike Controller.


[1] Su Chen, GCza Jobs, ‘‘Series and Shunt Active Power Conditioners for Compensating Distribution System Faults’’, Vol. 142, No. 1 , Jan. 1955.

[2] Anu P,Divya R, Dr. Manjula G Nair, ‘‘STATCOM Based Controller for a Three Phase System Feeding Single Phase Loads’’ 2015 IEEE International Conference

[3] L.S. Ezema, B.U. Peter, O.O. Harris, ‘‘DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC CHANGE OVER SWITCH WITH GENERATOR CONTROL MECHANISM’’,ISSN: 2223-9944 Vol. 3, No. 3, November 2012

[4] Ahmed, M.S., Mohammed, A.S., Agusiobo, O.B, ‘‘Single Phase Automatic Change-Over Switch, AU J.T.10(1): 68-74)’’

[5] Pattewar Shubham Maroti, Rajpurohit Gautam Singh NS, Paturkar Shreyas Shekhar, et al. Automatic Active Phase Selector for Single Phase Load from Three Phase Supply. International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ). 2017; 2(8): 2877–2880p.

[6] Bassa Siddarth Nagamurty, Navaneethan S. Design and Development of Intelligent 3 Phase Changer. International Journal of Innovations in Scientific and Engineering Research (IJISER). Jul 2014; 1(7): 381–385p.

[7] Ekta Singh Thakur, Durga Sharma, Dharmendra Kumar Singh. Load Distribution Using Fuzzy Logic. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). May 2014; 11(11): 524–528p.

[8] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-8624-3_9.