Management of Teaching during Covid-19 Pandemic in Higher Education


Research Scholar

Bhawana Mathur

Suresh Gyan Vihar University,



Dr. Shruti Tiwari

Department of Education

Principal of Education, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur




The paper aims to examine the use of different teaching methods used by teachers in Higher Education during the present scenario in Covid-19 pandemic. The paper analyzes the integrated use of traditional and innovative methods with information communication technology in Higher Education. The blended uses of methods enable teachers to adopt classroom activities effectively. The worldwide lockdown period has accelerated adaptation of digital technology. Teachers in Higher Education are in key position during the Covid-19 pandemic situation, they accept the challenges of Teaching Learning activities inspite of complete lockdown of Education system. In this lockdown period they adopt all the online methods and techniques for providing the continuous knowledge and learning to the students at Higher level of Education. The literature review indicates the effective use of methods and techniques which improves learners learning skill.


Higher Education, Teachers, Methods, Traditional and Innovative Methods.


Education is not exotic in India. It had been an enlighten country at all periods of its history of Indian education itself. Education of teachers must have been presented with the system of general education. Education is most powerful instrument of National Development and it increases the productivity of social national integration and modernization. It enhances the social, moral and spiritual value. Education enlightens the rationale thinking of a person and develops the right behavior. It is an enlightenment which explores the person about the distinction between the two nation of right and wrong.

Teachers in Higher Education are in key position in all over the world to make the goals of the Darker Frame Work for action during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Without good teachers there are no good education systems and without a good education system there is no quality of life. Teachers are changing agents of education community; their works are more challenging in this worldwide lockdown period. They accept the challenges for providing the teaching learning activities in spite of Covid-19 lockdown of education system. A good teacher not only teaches their pupil but also analyzes and find out the problems felt by the pupils in the process of learning.

It is well known to all of us that teachers translate all educational areas into practice. They have most powerful impact in education system. Teachers are the torchbearer in creating modernization in living society. They can generate and impart knowledge as per the demands of the society.

A key aspect of coping with covid-19 is to adopt of digital technology in Education Pedagogy. Digital Education is an important link between course content, education technology and course takers. Educational Institute across the globe have already closed due to coronavirus pandemic. As a result teachers are suddenly facing the challenge of how to continue their student’s education. It seems a daunting task but teachers can utilize the technology that is already available to support online learning and ensure students that they still receive a quality education. Active learning in online classes through multimedia and ICT turns away from the static and unidirectional methods and material. Educators need to shift from a teaching centered paradigm towards a learning centered paradigm because overall development includes in different types of teaching methods. The teaching methods help in to develop all  three domains of Blooms Taxonomy.

Category of Teaching Methods;-

  • Cognitive Domain
  • Team Teaching
  • Recitation Method
  • Field Trip
  • Questioning Method
  • Discussion Method
  • Affective Domain
  • Dramatic Method
  • Role Play Method
  • Simulation Method
  • Psychomotor Domain
  • Demonstration Method
  • Laboratory Method
  • Experimental Method
  • Programme Learning
  • Micro Teaching
  • Project Method
  • Inquiry Method
  • Discovery Method

Certain methods and techniques of instruction have been utilized throughout the long evolution of education. There is ample evidence to suggest that many “modern” methods of teaching are in fact adaptations of instructional procedures that were probably used in past.

There is much debate within the Higher Education community on how to engage students online. They are required to make decisions everyday whether learning and educational tools they need among hundreds of options. Online courses come in many forms like Massive online open course, which had been regularly used in pedagogies blended with learning and flipped classroom. Active learning turns away from the traditional methods shortcomings like static and unidirectional lectures and use more interactive forms of learning including activities as :- concept mapping, brain storming, simulation, peer teaching, role play, project based learning, collaborative learning etc.

The overview of related literature shows that active learning focus more ones understanding and appeals to newer generations of students in higher education. It is a thread through their everyday lives.

Change in society, students expectations and technology are motivation for university and college faculty to rethink on the use and management of teaching methods. Now there is much closer integration of classroom on online teaching under the blended or hybrid learning. In the flipped classroom lecture may record and provide access to videos regarding quizzes and other resources which students work through prior to coming class. Covid-19 is truly global pandemic; it has spread faster than any epidemic because of globalization the worldwide lockdown has accelerated the adoption of digital technology. The use of technology in education moves from the concept of teacher centric education to student centric education. Virtual classroom and various online tools today allow us to as close to a real classroom type experience. Covid-19 pandemic has helped everyone to appreciate the use of technology in educational management throughout the world.

This paper focus on the use of New Online Teaching Methods in Higher Education. Online learning provides flexibility than traditional classroom learning and Learning skill can be develop by the use of traditional and innovative methods with blending online methods:

  1. Traditional Teaching Method: Traditional Teaching Method are related to teacher centered approach, where teacher become the primary controller in teaching learning process. It is true that traditional approach is the lecture based model with some useful results but it may not provide students with valuable skills. It does not develop their critical thinking and decision making skills. Teacher only dictates the lesson and learner needs are not considered as important. There is limited use of mixed media and learner leaves with understanding of what the regulations say. All students are expected to exhibit the same performance because content is organized based on how to teach. Some traditional methods are Lecture Method, Text Book Method, and Grammar Translation Method etc.
  2. Innovative Teaching Method:- Innovative methods of teaching are those methods which involves encouraging student collaboration for various projects. Teacher helps the students in classroom by allowing students to learn study and work in groups. Some innovative methods are Project Method, Role Play Games, Brain Storming, Mind Mapping, The Field Study etc.
  3. Online Teaching Method:- Online learning or classes provides opportunities for higher education in the coronavirus outbreak. The worldwide lockdown situation expected to deliver services for Higher Education. The classes make education more flexible during this Covid-19 pandemic situation. It provides opportunities for students of higher education and appeals to teaching and learning process, who are comfortable with technology. Active learning uses more interactive form of learning including activities such as conceptual mapping, brain storming, collaborative learning, role playing, simulation, peer teaching. Evidence shows that active learning gives more knowledge. Online classes are very helpful for enhance the collaborative learning. In order to appeal to students and maintain competition educators needs to shift from a teacher centered methods towards learning. Centered paradigm not only traditionally but even in Covid-19 complete lockdown period in many parts of the world, teachers are considered to use of online methods. Once online teacher identify that what he or she wants to teach and through what methods they can identify the technologies to complement their goals best. Technology supports colleges and Universities to deliver the course and suggest the virtual tool to recreate the campus based learning experience online many ways it can be done.

Synchronous Instructions

It replicates live, traditional coursework as closely as an online class can professors adopt tools and online instructional method that support real time learning and discussion. The following tool support these communication with video platform, live chats, web conference etc. each of these tools encourages live participation and interaction.

In this lecture might be pre-recorded or presented on a program like Microsoft power point, these delivery methods allows students to review and re-review lessons as necessary. It may be includes e-mail communication, power point presentation, google drive and virtual tutoring centers.

The instructional strategies are widely used in online courses are:

  • Lecture- It is most prevalent method used in higher education. It can be on campus and online LMS allow instructor to record lecture and deliver them live. Online lectures are most beneficial when used with more active instructional strategies.
  • Discussion- It supports learning and actively engages online students in learning they can question and communication their ideas while practicing cognitive skills. In synchronous course material pose question and real time chat and web conferencing tools.
  • Demonstration- They are among the methods by which virtual learning environment can be created online instructor upload video demonstrations to the LMS students can review the video as necessary to master the lesson.
  • Simulations- It delivers a realistic digital environment to allow students to test practical skills. It can be carried out in face to face selling.
  • Problem based learning projects- It encourages students to practice many of the same skill – as case studies why actively solving problems. Projects are usually collaborative in nature. Students can use document program like google online for this.


In all Covid-19 has lockdown bring a drastic change in thought process of student’s educationalist. This lockdown accelerated the use of digital use of technology in the field of on time education. It is fact that the Government of India also created infrastructure to deliver e-education. These include NKN, MPTEL, NAD etc.

Literature Review

  • NCERT (2017) carried out a study on impact of ICT in teachers of Civics indicates that the ICT improves and enhance the learning of Civics at high level school.
  • Nahid, Bidadadi and Nasrirahani (2016) states that project based teaching method is used nowadays specially to promote software engineering and informatics education.
  • Hamed Fathi (2018) defines that in higher education students are required to being proficient in language and they need to manage their own learning process because second language is associated with learning efforts and it is only possible through teacher consideration of appropriate teaching method to teach.
  • Iraina, Ekaterina, Olga and Elena (2019) mentioned that the productive method used in teaching SLP as discussion method was popular (89%), ICT (83%), Project method (65%). Discussion method is the top method.
  • Vijaylaxmi (2019) states that modern teaching techniques assists teaching and learning process because both student and teacher make use of technology with in flexible learning system and for the professional development of a teacher it is necessary to prepare them for use of modern teaching technology.
  • Manuela Renta Grasu(2011) concludes that innovative teaching and learning methods can provide the law students significant experience with opportunities to deal with legal issues. An innovative teaching and learning shall be applied and introduced in collaboration with traditional ones.
  • Syed Moor-ulamin(2012) discuss the use of information and communication technologies for teaching learning process. It provides the rich environment and motivation which seems to have profound impact on the process of learning. This impacts on students’ performance and achievement and faster better teaching and improves academic achievement of students. It suggests successful ICT integration in education into the 21st
  • Salma Moseem & Dr. Beermatsingh (2013), suggest the role of internet use in creative problem solving of professional students. Use of internet explorer and seek new information for developing better creative problem solving ability in of undergraduate, post graduate students of Engineering and Management of various intuitions students who use internet more are better in creative problem solving than those making less use.
  • Abhijit Karmarkar and Asoke Nath(2014), discuss that e-learning includes various types of media that is useful and effective to deliver text audio, images and videos. It is based on either local network or internet in network learning. It delivers content through ICT and the use of these facilities involves various methods. This new education strategy knowledge and education by synchronous and asynchronous methodologies.
  • Taun Mguyen (2015), concludes that online assignments gives time to students think and reflect about materials better than the traditional lectures.
  • Anna sun and Xiufang Chen (2016), asserts that statistic done by the Pew Research Center (2011) show that in 2010-11 (89%) of four year colleges and Universities offered courses taught fully online.
  • Evrim Baran(2011), discuss about the role of online teacher and competencies. As teachers move from traditional to online classroom they are faced with challenge of dynamics of a new teaching environment. It is need to consider online teacher, especially in higher education, as a reflective practitioners. Who make their own decision about goals and practices of online teaching.
  • Reevey and James asserts the use of LMS (Learning Management System) is used 99% of Colleges and Universities. Among faculty 87% use LMs for enhancing teaching (74%) and students learning (71%); similarly 83% of students use on LMs in their courses with the majority (56%) using them in most or all courses.
  • Surbhi Malhotra and Dr. Anil K Goyal (2013) suggest that the development of new information technologies in 21st century is expanding. Institutions have to change their mental set and move away from traditional learning modes to more innovative and creative methods.
  • Bob Barret (2010) states that in any event the area of online instruction has started to attract more students as well as teachers. There is need to offer better quality online teacher training in present scenario.
  • Leighsa Sharoff (2017), finds that the active presence of students enhance their comprehension of the content and faster the student centered learning in true sense.
  • Iraina, Ekaterina, Olga and Elena (2019), mentioned that the productive method used in teaching SLP as discussion method was popular (89%), ICT (83%), Project method (65%). Discussion method is the top method.
  • Vijaylaxmi (2019) states that modern teaching techniques assists teaching and learning process because both student and teacher make use of technology with in flexible learning system and for the professional development of a teacher it is necessary to prepare them for use of modern teaching technology.
  • Shirani Bidabadi and Nasar Isfahani (2018) conclude that project base teaching method is used nowadays specially promote software engineering and informatics education.
  • Piyush, Ms. Elnaz and Dr. Sharareh (2017) received comprehensive review on new teaching methods (2000-2017) and find out that the percentage of self learning and case study teaching methods were 50% and 30% respectively.


Now the time has come to adopt the Modern online classes for higher education. The blended method will be more beneficial after Covid-19 lockdown period. The times have changed and the use of technology has created the need for teachers to act like a supervisor, a leader. The using of multimedia in higher education cannot be denied any more. There is a strong evidence of use of online classes and method during the Covid-19 lockdown period that suggest the online learning  is effective online education is here and is highly likely to stay and grow. The review of its history clearly shows online education has developed rapidly by internet connectivity advance technology. Within the realism of online learning on online learning community promotes social presence, interactions and collaboration between instructor and students.

Continuing advances in digital technologies social media, and mobile devices give the much more control over certain and sharing of knowledge. This empowers students and faculty and instructor.


Using multimedia for education is not new, but with the help of internet it is easy to selection and integration of appropriate source of teaching and learning by both instructor and students. Balancing the use of multimedia and open educational resources makes the education field more explorable.


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