Organizational Guru – Swami Vivekanand

Mrs. Madhu Yadav                                                               Dr. Shruti Tiwari Scholar                                                                                                                                                                        Principal

Education Dept.

Suresh Gyan Vihar University

Jagatpura, Jaipur.


Abstract :  Initially all management schools were opened in west, so their modules were educe & schedule in western style. All famous modern management books are written by European and American thinkers which have uncanny resemblance with stories from bible. Where a Prophet promises the porrigebant people a promised land something that no one has seen and people follow him across the sea, across the desert to find the Promised Land. And in Order to get the Promised Land efficiently we need the commandments rules do’s and don’ts. And the problem is that unus faces on the way to promised land something which is very common in management it’s is called noncompliance and that’s how management books are designed. You begin  with the problem assertion, then your vision, the mission,  the aspiration, the ambition and the target then you have task your standard operating procedure your regulation your guidelines your principles .


Keywords : Organisation, Bharat, Management, Personality, Value, Strength, Leaders, Globalisation, Planning.


In India social management is in existence since inception of the universe. Nature the God (nature- Maya)  manages the universe. It is highly surprising that Earth while moving around Sun ( Revaluation) and also rotate on it axis it and the moon moves around the earth makes day & night, light &  darkness and seasons like summer rainy winter regularly without any interruption. If we see from space we find three fourth earth filled with water from bottom to top. And that water  never falls out from the Earth. Here are different types of foods for different creatures. Swami Vivekanand Narrate all type of Management by being faced by human life. In ancient Bharat Shri Ramchandra ji is  described as Avatar of God because his management today is known as “Ramraj” similarly Krishna without any major force  of self conquered most powerful dignities of his time.

Four samaz Brahman Kshatriya Vaishya & Sudra and four ashram Brahmcharya, Grahasth , Vanprashth and Sanyas are described in vedantha is the most important example of Samaj management.

Swami Vivekanand had great management capacity He emphasised for management in all spheres of life of human being Just like a artist moulds and provides a statue the accurate and precise shapes, what he intends to. Similarly thou can intelligently establish big organisation, by your planning,  leadership and controlling.


If you have just started your business, you are always in search of satisfying you own hunger and look forward to building the swarg for yourself. Later on the realisation of insecurity appears. Secondly the entrepreneur seeks to satisfy others hunger in a manner that reinforces his concept of swarg. So he seeks to create a society of likeminded souls for himself and chooses whom to support and help out and whom to leave out. Clearly knowing that the vaikuntam that he creates is only representative of his ultimate aim to reach out to everyone. Obviously he cannot come down as an avatar to each and every one and provide help. Third and final stage when he gets fed up of spoon feeding individuals perennially and then seeks to create a system that takes care of the social inequalities through philanthropy, aid, sponsorships, scholarships, donations.

A good number of articles are written on Shrimadbaghwat Geeta and vedas role in management. The Vedanta philosophy is very ancient in Bharat. Early from Adi ShankaraRamanujacharya, Dara Sikho, Maharishi Dayanand to Swami Vivekanand all expounded Vedanta. If you accept that management philosophy can be derived from Vedas then you will have to accept that management technique also is very ancient in Bharat, because in Bharat Vedas or here we can say that management technique is nothing but “Art of Living”.

Organisational & behavioural science is an essential part of discussion in current era. Organisational pandits and scholars understand the approach of Vivekananda. And probably  that’s why they quote examples from Vedas and Geeta. Swami Vivekanandji views are helpful on personality development and he has great management capacity.   Swami Vivekanandji, the nationalistic and innovatory monk of Bharat visualised strength, confidence and positive attitude in the human personality as well as in an organisation.

Management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business and manages managers and manages workers and work.  Peter Drucker views that management has four basic functions – planning, organizing, leading and controlling. From life of Swami Vivekanand  we can learn many supre concept.


Swami Vivekananda was proficient in motivating subordinates. In 1895 in London, Swami Vivekanand ji had a public lecture. he suddenly announced that Swami Saradanand would deliver the lecture. Saradanandji did an excellent job on that day, Swami ji was not only an motivating guru, but was also a very practical one. He constantly endeavoured to empower all those around him.


Swamiji had chosen ‘facilitate and empower’ viewpoint over ‘control and command’ Faith plays an important part in the process.


Swamiji while encouraging his followers to the uppermost levels of work had the fullest faith in them and their capabilities.


His many letters to his disciple reflects Vivekanandji interpersonal and organisational skills and the ability to motivate people and develop organisation.


We can say that Swami Vivekanand Slogan, “Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached” was nothing but an effort to achieve organisational goals.

Swamiji establish Ramakrishna Mission and the Ramakrishna Math in 1897 . One of the oldest organisation in world.  The rules and regulations governing the organization which contain its aims and objectives, and the activities it carried out indicate the role it played in strengthening the emerging national consciousness in Bharat. And it is brilliant example of  organisational planning, smoothly working even after 100 year of establishment.

The management principle of equity often occurs in the core principles of an organization and we know that Swamiji treat all human equal.



This can be derived from his world famous dialog “My sisters and brothers of America”. He consider all human are equal and one.


Swami Vivekananda motivated create great leaders too. Sahid Baghat Singh, Subash Chandra Bose, Mahatama Gandhi and First Presedent Sarvpali Radha Krishnan, First Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru and our current Prime minister Mr. Naerndra Modi all are inspired from Swami vivekanand. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru has had written eleven pages on swami Vivekanand in his famous book “Discovery of Bharat”.

Vivekanand ji no doubt has left behind an enormously positive legacy – not just an organization  that any country can be honoured of, but also consecutive generations of positively charged up young folks who faith and share his memo and dream.

Management have many teachings to inspire from Swamiji. Our latest fashion in management is of globalisation. Today our government is trying to make local brand in Global Brand, What swami Vivekanand wish hundred year ago. Swamiji, said, ‘Even in politics and sociology, problems that were only national twenty years ago can no more be solved on national grounds only. They are assuming huge proportions, gigantic shapes. They can only be solved when looked at, in the broader light of international rounds. International organizations, international combinations, international laws are the cry of the day. That shows the solidarity’. Swamiji talked of Globalization during his time.  After Covid-19 to make local to global is much more in talk.

It is quite interesting to note that the roots of globalization, as it took place in the past, were not simply related to commercial exchanges between people from different regions but also expanded into inter-cultural connections.

Swami Vivekananda once travelled from Japan to Chicago with Jamshedji Tata. Jamshedji Tata was sailing for International Fair and Swamiji was heading for participating in the World Parliament of Religions. Swami Vivekananda inspired Jamshedji Tata to not to go for imports. He inspired him to start industry in our own country so that we can give employment to our country men got job and by export country will gain financially. He also gave him inspiration to start Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore. Vivekanandaji was very open minded, broad-minded and  modern and that also a centuary back. He was far ahead of time. And these are qualities of good leader.

perspective and that is why Federico Mayor, the Director General of UNESCO said ‘when I went through the constitution of Ramakrishna Mission, that was drawn by Swami Vivekananda in 1897, I was surprised to see that that Constitution was exactly similar to the Constitution drawn up by the UNESCO in 1945.’


We have to give emphasis on values. Not only profit, but the method in which we are making that profit. Swamiji opines about the value-based management that if one really wants to succeed, one must have trustworthiness.

Now days all discuss about corporate responsibility, which has become the need of the hour. The greatest example is that at current crises of Covind 19 , big and small all organisation are doing their responsibilities in many ways.

यज्ञशिष्टाशिन: सन्तो मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषै: |
भुञ्जते ते त्वघं पापा ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात् || Baghwat gita 3-13||

yajña-śhihāśhina santo muchyante sarva-kilbihai
bhuñjate te tvagha
 pāpā ye pachantyātma-kāraāt

The spiritually-minded, who eat food that is first offered in sacrifice, are released from all kinds of sin. Others, who cook food for their own enjoyment, verily eat only sin.



Swamiji spoke about this social responsibility and corporate responsibility centuries ago. The attitude and the roots of trusteeship management are all in our scriptures.

The management principle can be used to manage organizations and its useful tools are forecasting, planning, process management, organization management, decision-making, coordination and control.

Although they are obvious, many of these matters are still used based on common sense in current management practices in organizations. It remains a practical list with focus areas that are based on Swami Vivekanand views. Which still applies today due to a number of logical principles.

Swami Vivekananda who believed that spiritual culture should lead material culture. He motivate managers and students in several seminars and propagates the importance of Vedic ideas for effective management. With the soaring stress levels and the competition getting stiffer with every passing day, the management principles need to be reinvented to get one’s act together. That is where ‘spiritually energised servant leadership’ comes into play.




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