Improved Prediction Technique Based on CF For Recommendation Systems

Ruchita Sharma 1*, Dr. Manish Sharma2 1M.Tech Scholar,Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur, 2Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur,   Abstract Any web based business sites use proposal framework to prescribe things to clients. Collaborative filtering is a strategy to prescribe thing to the clients by understanding the past conduct

A Hybrid Classifier for Fast and Efficient Face Recognition Using LBP Algorithms

Nitish Rasgotra Research Scholar Center for cloud infrastructure and security Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur Sohit Agarwal Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Science Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur Abstract— As a biometric department, facial recognition focuses on recognizing their faces by focusing on different facial features and identifying each facial feature in their

Policy Entrepreneurship in India

Vivek Mishra & Dr T k Jain   Abstract: The policies concerning the creation & management of social entrepreneurships are yet to be crafted in majority of the countries including India. This paper focuses on policies & recent policy developments within India. Attempt has been made to highlight necessities & developments a entrepreneurship policy requires

A Comparative study of Management of Resources in Heritage Hotels in Jaipur district

Praveen Sharma   Abstract Heritage hotels are old palaces and havelis that are converted into hotels. These hotels offer supreme luxury and provide individual attention and personalized services. Many royal families, especially in Rajasthan, have converted their palaces into a chain of hotels. Guests enjoy great ambience, huge rooms, royal food, and antique furniture along

A Study of Challenges faced by Female Employees in their Career Progression in the Hospitality Industry of Jaipur city

Manish Srivastava   Abstract ::The hospitality sector today has better understanding about importance of investing in female employees. Sectors believe the importance of women possessing soft skills are superior managers and, therefore, are recruiting more women at all levels to bring in the desired change. They believe that women possesses higher emotional quotient than men

A review of customer satisfaction in rural and urban areas with special reference to banking technology

Sakshi Arora & Swati Mishra   Abstract: Bank industry is the back bone for their customers. It considered as unmixed services in terms of financial. E-banking entered into rural and urban areas with providing special services to their customers. This technology made the customer life very easy and effective. But the rural areas clients are

Implications of Neuromarketing Research in Designing the Marketing Strategies

Dr. Neha Hamilton   This paper presents a recent area of research which is derived from neuroscience and has vast applications in marketing, called neuromarketing. Neuromarketing is amalgamation of Neurology & Marketing which has revolutionise the marketing research because it makes use of brain imaging techniques ( fMRI, EEG,SST,GSR etc.) as a key to unlock

Overhauled Design for Flash port of HHO Dry cell Generator

Overhauled Design for Flash port of HHO Dry cell Generator Shubham Sharma1, Dr. Neeraj Kumar2 P.G. Student1, Head of Department2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Email: – shubhamsharma.engr@gmail.com1, neeraj1mech@gmail.com2  Abstract: – This paper talked about Hydrogen Fuel Cell which involve a fuel tank and is stacked with demineralized water

E-Governance – Trends, Scenario, Problems and Solutions

  E-Governance – Trends, Scenario, Problems and Solutions Vani Jain  Abstract— In the epoch of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has provided means for faster and better communication, retrieval of data and utilization the information to its users. e- Governance is basically the application of ICT to provide government services to the citizens via internet.