Study of Relationship between Sustainable Development and Life Skills of Prospective Teachers during Present Situation

Mrs. Savita Sharma                                                                               Dr.Rajani Chopra

Research Scholar                                                      Research Guide & Assistant Professor

GyanVihar School of Education                                      GyanVihar School of Education

Suresh GyanVihar University                                             Suresh GyanVihar University                                                           

Jagatpura, Jaipur (Rajasthan)                                            Jagatpura, Jaipur (Rajasthan)

9460593049                                                                                                             9461400241                            











Keywords: E.S.D. (Education for Sustainable Development), Life Skills, Prospective Teachers, Covid-19 Situation.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a key element of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ESD empowers everyone to make informed decisions in favour of environmental unity, economic advancement and a just society for present and succeeding generations. In present situation of corona virus, having Life Skills is a essential part of being able to meet the daily challenges coming in an individuals  life. So there is a demand for improving teacher education program. To fulfil with this demand, prospective teacher’s plays a very important role. Prospective teachers must have life skills for the development of a healthy and growing society and to fight against the covid-19 situation. Teachers’ must  know how to utilise their knowledge and skills  in a right way especially ,in this pandemic situation  applying knowledge to new situations, examining information, perceiving new ideas,  good communication, cooperation, solve problems and making favourable decisions. Teachers are like social engineers and have a responsibility to develope a sense of practical knowledge good skills and abilities in students.  If prospective teachers are not trained in these life skill at present time, this would affect the overall progress of students very much as the progressions of children is co-related to teachers’ quality intellectually. Students spend a lot of time with the teachers, he is the role model of his students. So that teachers must have Life Skills not only for teaching but also to treat  their students efficiently and to figure out their problems and to give knowledge to students that how to overcome from this pandemic condition. Prospective teachers during their internship program should be able to develop life skills in present critical condition. In present pandemic situation prospective teachers must develop their Life skills to face current challenges of day to day  life positively and also to prepare  their students, for time to come, to use the skills in their inter personal and vocational life. By under developing Life skills through teacher training program prospective teachers can attain sustainable development in their professional as well as domestic fieldwhich is very necessary in present covid-19 situation.

Life skills: Life skills concept is often interpreted in many ways. In present study It can mean vocational skills that teacher  has or prepare participants for pursuing teaching job or profession .Life Skills develop the require competencies for human development and to adopt positivistic manner that enable them to deal confidently with the challenges of day today life.In present covid-19 situation it is necessary to develop life skills in society to deal with the consequences and challenging situation .This situation has created a lot of pressure on our mental health and wellbeing so through online teaching and knowledge teachers plays an important role to develop life skills among students.

Sustainable Development: In present study Sustainable development means continuous development of prospective teacher’sknowledge, skills and values required for being a teacher. The main aim of sustainable development is to advancement in economy and  protecting the environment in future for the upcoming generation. Sustainable development depends upon environmental factors which also include human resources.In present study sustainable development means development of human resources and this development is fully depends on education process. If Our education system is capable to develop quality education , knowledge and skills in students then only the sustainable development is possible.Teacher is the mainsource of development of human resources as a nation builder.

In present time Life skills education symbolize a change in education direction from information to methodologygy , giving practical knowledge rather giving theoretical knowledge is more important. Prospective Teachers during their internship program will be trained with skills rather than knowledge that can help them to function and make sound personal choices in areas of education, well being, profession and social interaction. Life skills training has the potential to build  various development initiatives such as mental development through decision making and problem solving, emotional development through interpersonal ,social and communication skill ,social development through leadership skill by using a skill aapproach to shaping teacher’s behaviour and interaction patterns.


  • To find out the relationship between Life Skills and Sustainable Development of Prospective Teachers.
  • To suggest some measures to improve Life Skills Education for Sustainable Development of Prospective Teachers.

Review of Related Literature:

Hossein Jenaabadi (2015) – The Effect of Life Skills Training on the Mental Health and Level of Resilience among Teachers of Normal Students and Teachers of Exceptional Students in Zahedan – Conducted experimental study on two groups of control and experimental, using pre-test post-test design, applying psychological intervention on the study sample. The objective of this study is to find the effectiveness of collective education life skills on mental health and resilience of teachers in Zahedan. The population of the study selected was 60 teachers at normal schools and 20 teachers at exceptional schools and placed in two groups of experimental and control, respectively. Experimental group members were taught 10 basic life skills in 10 2-hour sessions. Tools like Mental health and resilience questionnaires were used after the training sessions. Results showed nothe positive effect of life skills training on mental health of teachers, the lower their mental health scores would be and on resilience of teachers.

Parvathy and Renjith (2015) – find out that it is also possible that pre-service teachers can be taught about life skills, because they will need such skills in their future profession in order to teach them to students. Therefore, teachers should have both information and skills regarding life skills and should employ teaching activities to improve life skills of students. There are some studies dealing with the factors affecting the acquisition of life skills. These factors include school, family, teacher, educational programs and society.

Prashant Thote (2015) – An Analysis of Attitude of Secondary School Teachers towards Service Training Programme of Life Skill Education in Central India.

The study was carried out to facilitate the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals. “Central Board of Secondary include life skill education in curriculum since 2009 and teachers were new to this concept to acquaint them with the concept author conducted in-serving training programme in private English Medium School”. The Present study was conducted to find out teachers attitude towards Life skill education. A Study of Attitude of Teachers towards In-services Training Programmes of Life Skill Education was dealt. The sample included 100 primary school teachers of Central India selected randomly, “The attitude of secondary school teachers towards different aspects of in-service training programmes” self made tool was used for the collection of required data. ‘t-test’ technique was adopted for data analysis.

Measures for Promotion of Life Skills Education for Sustainable Development of Prospective Teacher:

(1) Conflict Resolution: Different levels of conflict arise on a daily basis so it is important for Prospective Teachers to learn how to address them. They, working female in particular, face many pressures from family and society, and this skill would be useful in finding a balance when these pressures clash. Additionally,home violence is a common occurrence in rural areas, so developing ways to resolve issues without resorting to violence is beneficial.

(2) Critical Thinking: Critical thinking skills allow one to fully analyze and assess problems or situations. They are tools to put pieces of a puzzle together and understand the different parts. Based on the common occurrence of teachers being unable to answer the same question posed in different ways, critical thinking skills would be beneficial to them. They had not been taught how to analyze and understand different parts of issues and situations. Critical Thinking skills will equip Prospective Teachers with the ability to think through situations carefully and will aid in their decision making and problem solving skills.

(3) Decision-making: With this skill, Prospective Teachers would learn how to evalute all their options before making a conclusion and also begin recognizing that there are many choices out there. They would learn that they should have sound reasons behind the decisions they make. This way they could hopefully make good choices for their futures and professional life as well.

(4) Communication: Communication is a skill every person needs whoever he/she is in life to build relationships and interact with other people and it is a very important skill required in teaching profession. Lot of the Prospective Teachers were uncomfortable talking in front of others and when they did many of them spoke in a similar manner that they must have been taught in their high schools: looking distantly and talking quickly as if reading off a list. So it is important, how to speak effectively and to recognize that their body language also conveys messages to other people. If they wanted to enter a professional job, they would have to learn these skills definitely for sure.

(5) Leadership: Leadership skills help people excel in work and activities. Sometimes Prospective Teachers often wait for others to start a group activity or volunteer first, so it is important to encourage leadership amongst them. With leadership skills they will be able to address issues they face in their communities by gathering groups or committees.

(6) Interpersonal Skills: It is necessary to know how to interact with different types of people at home, school, and workplace. Teachers sometimes behave the same way with students as they do with their peers and may therefore create an unfavourable impression of themselves. Once Prospective Teachers learn how to comport with different types of persons, they will build better affinity and will be able to get what they want.

(7) Problem Solving: Prospective Teachers face several issues at household, school, work, and in internship. Often, problems seem overpowering and it is hard to consider or find a solution to them. With problem solving skills, prospective teachers will learn to break down problems into manageable parts so that they can work to find a solution. Problem solving is a key component, which aims to address Prospective Teacher’s problems.During present covid-19 situation this skill is very important to cope with the pandemic.


Life skills Education can be beneficial in targeting negative behaviours in Prospective Teachers and encouraging sound values and actions. As a result, Life Skills Training Programs can effectively mould Prospective Teacher’s characters and behaviours. Life skills are necessary complement to academic education. Life Skills are generally universally applicable and can be further tailored to meet the needs of a specific community and future generationsso the life skills and sustainable development are linked with each other and have a positive relationship.


