Gyan vihar


S.No.DateName of ActivityNo. of Students ParticipatedList of Incharge Program Detail Student involvement in management List of  Well Performing Students
105/09/14Teacher’s Day” Celebration70Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Mr. Pramod Joshi The activity held to provide opportunities to the students so that their hidden talent can be identified as they are all fresher’s this year.B.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programRahul khandelwal, Virendra Singh, Meenal Gupta, Archana Sharma, Anil Parle
212/09/14Word Making Competition40Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Mr. Pramod Joshi Competition of meaningful word, writing on black board in English language.Class representatives managed the activityReena Meena, Anil Parle. Pooja Bhardwaj
317/09/14Debate16Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Mr. Pramod Joshi A debate competition was conducted on the topic “Relevance of Hindi Language in modern era”Class representatives managed the activityPooja Bharadwaj, Jeet Ram Jat, khushboo Sharma, Lalit kumar
424/09/14Antakshari60Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Mr. Pramod Joshi The instruction was given to the students to make the word from the last alphabet spooked by the other team members.B.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programRahul khandelwal, Meenal Gupta, Sunita kumara and Anita kumari
504/10/14Card Making Competition 70Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Mr. Pramod Joshi On celebration of Internation Teacher’s Day card making competition was organized by the B.Ed. studentsM.Ed Students managed the activitySunita kumara and Anita kumara, Lalit kumar, Mahipal Sonel
611/10/14Essay Writing Competition15Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Mr. Pramod Joshi The essay writing competition was organized on the topic “Present Status & Direction of Teacher Education”. Class representatives managed the activityVirendra Singh, Nishu Dubey, khushboo Sharma, Vinod ratanu, Ram Swaroop Saini
715/01/15Innovative Lesson Plan (Crosswords)78Dr. Yamini PaliwalIn activity it was mentioned that “Various steps to make lessons on the basis of crossword format”. It makes lessons interesting and can also enhance the teachings skills of a teacher. Class representatives managed the activityMohd. Faizal, khushboo Sharma, Meenal Gupta, Pooja Sharma, Ritu Bhadoria.
824/01/15Preparation & Celebration of “Basant Panchami” in Schools.60Dr. Shruti Tiwari & Mr. Pramod Joshi.The day “Basant Panchami” celebration is one of the important festivals and is a part of co- curricular activity for all the schoolsB.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programLalit kumar and Virendra Singh
926/01/15Preparation & Celebration of “Republic Day65Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Dr. Shruti Tiwari.Celebration of national festival days is one of the important activities in Educational institutionsB.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programMonu, khushboo Sharma, Vinod Sing Ratnu, Pooja Bharadwaj
1030/01/15Exhibition - 201580Dr. Shruti Tiwari.Exhibitions are organized for enhancing knowledge and skills among the students. To make them realize the interdependence of various school subjects, technology and societyB.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programAll students.
1107/02/15Extempore80Dr. Shruti Tiwari, Yamini PaliwalExtempore is an impromptu speech that is delivered with little or no preparationB.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programRakesh, Virendra Singh, Nishu Dubey, khushboo Sharma, Vinod Ratanu, Ram Swaroop Saini
1214/02/15Debate  “RTE: A Challenge or Not15Dr. Shruti Tiwari, Yamini PaliwalThe purpose of the activity is to introduce students to some of the vocabulary involved in debate and to the idea that there are at least two sides to every argument (Positive & Negative)B.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programJeet ram jat, Virendra singh, Lalit kumar
1321/02/15Creativity : “Best out of  Waste”70Mr. Satish SainiTo develop the ability to think and organize the thinking to create something useful from waste materialB.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programMeenal, khushboo Sharma, Pinky Ediwal, Ritu Bhadhoria, Anil Parle, Rishikesh Meena.
1428/02/15Conceptual Framing of related terms: University Family and Festival.110Dr. Yamini Paliwal, Mr. Satish SainiThe activity is helpful for developing the concepts related to the given terms. With the help of this activity students can build a concepts for a given termsClass representatives managed the activityPooja Bharadwaj, Jeet Ram Jat, khushboo Sharma, Meenal, khushboo Sharma, pinky ediwal, ritu badhoria,
1614/03/15Slogan writing competition on the topic “Teacher” 90Dr. Yamini Paliwal, Dr. Shruti Tiwari.For judging the style slogan and presentation from i.e. poem, Quotation or in proseB.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programReena Meena, Anil Parle. Pooja Bhardwaj
1704/04/15National Conference35Dr. Shruti TiwariParticipation of students in the conferences and seminar at any level provide the opportunity to students to explore the different ideas and views related to the topicsB.Ed and M.Ed students managed the programMonu,khushboo Sharma, vinod sing ratnu,pooja bharadwaj
1811/04/15Poem recitation competition60Dr. Yamini PaliwalPoem recitation presented by 10 students on different theme. Criteria of evaluation was: Class representatives managed the activityMohd. Faizal, khushboo Sharma, meenalgupta
1925/04/15Trip70Dr. Yamini Paliwal & Mr. SatishA trip of B.Ed. students was organized to educate them about planning, organizing and executing the planned program successfully.Class representatives managed the activityAll students