Gyan vihar


Allied health professionals include a therapist & technician who is trained to perform the practical skills to treat the patient or apply his skills for diagnostic procedures for any injury, illness, disease or any impairment. Also reinforce the medical team for rehabilitation phase. Professionals follow the recommended treatment plan of medicals & specialist including the treatment and homecare as well. Allied health Sciences as well deal with all kind of diagnostic techniques which are being used in the medical sector (e.g., blood analysis, histopathology, pathological analysis, radiography) and are very crucial for the treatment of the patients. Physiotherapists are experts in the structure of the human body and its movement. They work with people of all ages to treat a broad range of health conditions including sports injuries and musculoskeletal conditions as well as chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis and stroke. Physiotherapists are involved in the assessment, diagnosis, planning and management of patient care.

Physiotherapists work across a range of health settings including private practices, public and private hospitals, community health centers, residential aged care facilities and sports organizations.

Physiotherapists assess, diagnose, plan and manage the care of patients across a broad range of areas with musculoskeletal, cardiothoracic and neurological problems. They help patients with chronic disease management, provide lifestyle modification and self-management advice, prescribe aids and appliances, prescribe and supervise exercises for both patients and carers, and provide health promotion education, occupational health assessments and injury prevention activities.

Physiotherapists can help treat a range of chronic conditions, often as part of multidisciplinary teams. They are trained to design individual programs of care that help address risk factors arising from co-morbidities and physical limitations in people with chronic conditions.
