Gyan vihar

Industrial Mentoring Program

Anatomy& Physiology laboratories in schools are places where students learn human clinical anatomy and physiology through the study of human bones and tissues . At SGVU, our anatomy& Physiology laboratory accommodates 160 students at once and students are organized into study groups surrounding a table. Each group consisting of 12 to 16 students studies 1-2 bones individually. In average, we have 10 to 13 study groups per year. Osteologic study normally supervised by course instructors, are guided by a lab manuals read by one student in a group while other medical students studies and explains the bone and tissue. It is common for the students to find the task of following the manual and identifying the anatomical structures as a challenge. Therefore, the course instructors form an component to facilitate proper acquisition of the practical objectives.Meanwhile the recorded PPTs & content discussed in practical clip is made available for viewing under the Learning Management System (LMS) after the sessions. This has greatly reduced the redundancy of information provided to individual groups and has objectively connected the instructor to the groups and vice versa; therefore, the new method has enhanced the achievement of the practical learning objectives at a shorter time in a large class setting.

Exercise Therapy lab is equipped with all latest equipments which are used to rehabilitate the patient. It is equipped with state of art facilities of gait re-education unit, strength training unit, balance and posture rehab unit, movement therapy unit etc., Different exercise techniques are demonstrated in the lab and the students are encouraged to practice these different techniques on each other or on simulated models and gain confidence in performing theses skills before implementing the same on the patients.Exercise Therapy lab is equipped with all latest equipments which are used to rehabilitate the patient. It is equipped with state of art facilities of gait re-education unit, strength training unit, balance and posture rehab unit, movement therapy unit etc., Different exercise techniques are demonstrated in the lab and the students are encouraged to practice these different techniques on each other or on simulated models and gain confidence in performing theses skills before implementing the same on the patients.The lab is equipped with equipments like Parallel bars with postural mirror, Shoulder wheel, pulley, suspension apparatus, Delorme’s table, tread mill, twister, multi exercise bed, swiss ball, medicine ball, thera bands, thera tubes, hand rehab unit, walking aids, wrist and hand exerciser, ankle exerciser etc.Electrotherapy includes a range of treatments using electricity to reduce pain, improve circulation, repair tissues, strengthen muscles, and promote bone growth, leading to improvements in physical functioning. Electrotherapy has been used to address chronic pain and chronic fatigue in general, as well as:The spacious and well-ventilated lab in Faculty of Physiotherapy provide students a learning environment so they can hone their skills. It includes all the modern modalities that are used to relieve pain.
