The students of SGVU Department of physiotherapy have been doing a lot of extracurricular as well as co-curricular
activities. Every year the students celebrate various Days over a period of one week. Days such as ‘Physiotheraapy
Day’, ‘Women’s Day’, ‘Health Day’,’ Sports Day’, “Yoga Day” etc. are celebrated. The students also celebrate
‘Cultural Day’ by organizing a cultural program in which the students can showcase their talents in dancing,
singing, acting etc.
The students have conducted community awareness programs. The first community awareness program was conducted on
8thSeptember 2019, also celebrated as ‘World Physiotherapy Day’. On this day the students presented a small skit
on how bad posture can lead to long term muscular problems. The second community awareness program was on World
Disability day by celebrating with disabled children f an NGO named LAKSHYA SANSTHAN in Jaipur.The students have
always actively participated in various conferences, seminars and academic competition.
The boys as well as girls cricket team participated in Physio Cricket League in February 2021.
The students had celebrated ‘World Cerebral Palsy Day’ on 6thOctober where they had presented few skits and had
organized an informative talk for parents with cerebral palsy kids.