Aman Bhatnagar, Plant Maintenance & Development Engineer of Fibremarx Paper Ltd

Believing in maintaining personal involvement and passion in his work, Aman is rendering his services as Engineer at Fibremarx Paper Ltd. and carries the responsibility of plant maintenance and development for better paper making, a continuous process of evolution through improvisation using 100% recycled pulp. He is an enthusiastic and vibrant engineer grasping every opportunity to improvise, contributing to paper manufacturing.

After doing his B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from SGVU in 2013, he started his career as Mechanical Maintenance Engineer at Banwari Paper Mill in 2014 and worked here till 2015. He always thought of becoming an explorer, to learn and innovate new techniques to reduce the human physical labor with the help of technology. A fancier of singing, playing cricket and sketching, Aman believes in “Never to loose patience and hope in life”.