Suresh Gyan Vihar, a NAAC accredited grade A+ University has created a 20 point vision, strategy, and plan
for a digital transformation.
These vision statements are broadly split across five areas:–
Enable continuous learning
Modernize curriculum, content, and pedagogy
Establish Industry Relevance
Foster Innovation
Nurture Academic Partnerships
Enable continuous learning
Traverse the entire bloom’s taxonomy from remember and recall to apply, design,
and synthesize. Take learning beyond the classroom and timetables for better learning outcomes.
Comprehensive Mentoring Program
The university wants its students to go through a comprehensive mentoring program across alumni, industry
experts, and academic mentors.
The platform has a mentoring feature where every student gets an independent virtual space that any number
of mentors can be added to. The interactions are recorded and are made available for monitoring, review,
and reference for posterity. The mentors can guide the students on their portfolio, choice of learning
interventions, aspirational career paths, etc.
Communities and Clubs
The university wants to encourage and foster a vibrant student-led learning environment on campus. The
intent is to create learning opportunities for students that go beyond the classroom.
The platform extends physical clubs with a robust club structure on the platform. The sustainability of
any club or community at an academic institution hinges on frequent and relevant events, and a wide
engaged audience. The platform helps with managing both. Every event can further be tagged to relevant job
roles, enabling students to build an industry relevant portfolio.
Internships and Summer Placements
The university wants its students to have a ramp up to the real world. Every student is expected to
bolster their portfolio with an internship or a practicum.
The platform has more than 400 companies posting jobs and internships on the platform. But, not everyone
gets through. For those who don’t, we also have a simulated internship program that allows them to
experience the real world in a safe environment and build a sound foundation for their corporate careers.
Modernize Curriculum, Content, and Pedagogy
Invest in transforming content and teaching methods towards more student centric
approaches, enabling better learning outcomes and enhanced real world relevance.
Outcomes Based Education
The university wants to create a framework for Outcomes Based Education to ensure its students were
getting the best possible education and the university was satisfying the regulatory and accreditation
All learning interventions on the platform are tied to objectives and outcomes. All content and delivery
strategies can thus be monitored for expected outcomes and tweaked if necessary. Formative evaluations are
also designed for continuous evaluation and can be used for micro-observations on efficacy of delivery as
well as students needs on learning interventions.
Dynamism in Curriculum
The university wanted to enable dynamic updates and upgrades to curriculum, syllabus, and content for
ongoing real world relevance.
The platform’s modular structure for modeling content with resources, learning paths, projects, and quests
enables reuse, easier maintenance, and rapid enhancements. Every content unit (resources, learning paths,
projects, quests, questions, and assessments) are tagged to skills and job roles to ensure real world
relevance. As the industry expectations change so can the curriculum, syllabus, and content.
Project Based Learning
The university wanted to introduce project based learning – prior experiments had demonstrated that
students learnt to think independently and solved industry relevant problems when they were taught skills
using PBL. But, scaling PBL to a large number of students was a challenge.
Project based learning poses challenges with scaling. The project structure allows for monitoring,
adherence, and timely interventions from mentors. The platform’s multi-tiered help and mentoring framework
empowers students and supports professors to ensure large number of completions while thwarting
plagiarism. Professors can either create their own project skeletons or borrow from 300+ on the platform
that are created by industry experts.
Establish Industry Relevance
Work collaboratively with the industry for making the campus to corporate
transition seamless for the students.
Employability and Life Skills
The university wanted to focus on employability and life skills, proactively invest in making students
industry ready by starting early on in their college tenure rather than do it at the end of it.
Multiple features on the platform are built with this purpose. A student’s journey starts with identifying
target job roles and then building portfolios that prepare them for their aspirational career paths. All
training interventions are then planned in line with these target career paths. Curricular as well as
extra-curricular interventions can be tagged to jobs and job roles to help students build industry
relevant portfolios.
Placements and Strategic Industry Partnerships
The university wanted to establish sustained strategic partnerships with prospective employers. The
training and placement cell’s role is enable companies to engage with the university and its students on a
variety of use cases like program design, curriculum and syllabus definition, and content contribution
apart from the traditional ones like internship and job placements.
A university’s placement cell can use the platform for industry gap analysis as well as structured
outreach to all its existing industry partners and recruiters. They can also leverage the 400+ strong
industry partner roster. The platform helps the academic leadership understand shortcomings of the
existing programs, thereby informing curriculum updation and design.
Nurture Academic Partnerships
Create a platform for academic collaboration fostering teaching excellence,
research, and innovation.
Study Abroad
The university wanted to create a thriving pool of foreign university tie-ups that allow its
to choose from a variety of programs for higher studies.
The platform has collaborations with US universities that allow students going through collaborated
programs to get credit waivers towards the 30 credit PG requirement and a 30% break on the tuition
fees for the PG Program, if accepted.
Consortium Model
The university wanted to help their professors choose from a variety of best-in-class content to
optimize the learning experience in class.
The platform has more than 100 industry and academic subject matter experts creating learning paths,
projects, and quests that can be incorporated by its member institutions into their curriculum. The
platform also allows professors to monetize the content they have created.
Foster Innovation
Embed innovation and entrepreneurship into the fabric of the university.
Foster innovative solutions and entrepreneurs who will play a role in changing the world for the better.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The university wanted to create a culture for innovation and entrepreneurship – foster creativity
enterprise but also instill the discipline and structure required for successful outcomes.
Ideas are a dime a dozen, execution is what makes them great! The project structure on allows for
discipline in execution. Each student can start with an idea and multiple mentors can help her
the process of validation, build out, and eventually launching a company. The project structure
for monitoring, adherence, and timely interventions from mentors.